Who We Are
Member Benefits
Supplier Benefits
Member Enrollment
Supplier Application

Supplier Benefits Become part of a national network that streamlines your marketing efforts and focuses on your sales initiatives to make you more profitable. USG is one of the largest Group Purchasing Organizations for Vending, Micro Markets, OCS, Food Service and C-Store operators in the United States. Collectively, the Co-op purchases over 3 billion dollars of consumer product goods on an annual basis. Through our technology platforms we offer many ways for your company to succeed:
Through our on-line store PurchasePower Suppliers benefit from our customized advertisements, ordering booths and the ability to execute in daily POWERBUYS. Participating suppliers receive preferential treatment resulting in increased product trials and sales.
Harness the Purchasing Power & Watch Your Business Thrive
USG Insights
USG Insights is a state-of-the-art database collecting retail scan data from hundreds of thousands of vending machines and micro markets at workplace locations. This data provides valuable insights to weekly product turns and product distribution available to our supplier partners.
Our Blog
USG makes marketing simple. Members receive daily updates on new programs, upcoming promotions and product information through our Blog and Email Blasts. Utilizing our communication tools cuts through the clutter to maximize your sales.
Rewards Track
Streamline your expenses by utilizing our financial services to disburse marketing incentives. Receive quarterly itemized reporting for purchase data that will show your sales by member location and point of purchase.
Performance Central is a high-tech software program that displays program requirements and real-time member performance analytics.
Consumer Promotions
Move more product by participating with our nationally executed End Consumer Promotions. This loyalty program allows suppliers to engage with customers in offering special BOGO deals. Members benefit by gaining customer loyalty that results in more profit for you.
Contact Details Address: 4764 State Route 30 East, Suite 200
Greensburg, PA 15601
Phone: (724) 838-8977
Email: usg@usgvend.com